Photo by cottonbro studio

Let’s start with very basics – what project management is? Based on various definition, methodologies and sources we can define it in following way…

Almost all sources define the project management as a systematic approach to planning, organizing, and executing a project from start to finish. A project is a planned series of activities that requires a definitive amount of time, effort, and planning to complete. 

It is the process of applying knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to meet project requirements and achieve project objectives. Project management is a critical component of any business or organization as it helps ensure that projects are completed on time, within budget, and with the desired outcomes.

Effective project management involves several key elements. First, it requires a clear understanding of the project objectives, goals, and scope. This includes identifying the stakeholders, determining project requirements, and establishing a project plan. The project plan should outline the project timeline, budget, resources, and deliverables. It should also include a risk management plan to identify and mitigate potential risks that could impact the project’s success.

Second, project management requires effective communication and collaboration among team members and stakeholders. This includes regular meetings to review project progress, discuss issues and concerns, and make necessary adjustments to the project plan. Communication should be clear, concise, and timely to ensure everyone is on the same page.

Third, project management requires effective leadership and decision-making. The project manager should be a skilled leader who can motivate the team, manage conflicts, and make informed decisions that align with the project goals. They should also have a thorough understanding of the project’s technical requirements and be able to provide guidance and support to team members when needed.

Fourth, project management requires effective resource management. This includes managing the project budget, allocating resources, and ensuring that resources are used efficiently and effectively. The project manager should also have a contingency plan in place to address unforeseen circumstances that could impact the project’s success.

Finally, project management requires a commitment to quality. The project manager should ensure that all project deliverables meet the established quality standards and that the project is completed to the satisfaction of all stakeholders.

In conclusion, project management is a critical component of any business or organization. It requires a systematic approach to planning, organizing, and executing a project from start to finish. Effective project management involves clear project objectives, effective communication and collaboration, strong leadership and decision-making, efficient resource management, and a commitment to quality.

Sounds like an every business activity? Yes, but what distinguish project from BAU is that it has clear boundaries. That means we can have project to build a new software, move data center, onboard new client in our company (and bilion other cases) – that will take X ammount of time and will produce Y value. But repetitive tasks, with no clear end should be never treated as projects – there are no never-ending projects. From my practice, most abuse was related to activities like continuous updates of environment, constant checks and upgrades of legacy systems, DevOps works on “homemade” system. If we check system once a year, then make patches and doing this once and again, and again, and again this is regular delivery. No matter how you’ll call it 😉

There are only 3 mandatory elements in the project:

  1. Desired outcomes – refer to the expected achievements or results that the project aims to deliver.
  2. The timeline – outlines the predetermined start and end dates of the project’s activities.
  3. Resource needs – indicate the personnel, finances, and other resources required for the project to be completed successfully.

Any other part of the project may occur or may not – that depends only on you, your business and methodology you’ve decided to adpot.

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